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Nylon Gossamer is an ultra-fine transparent nylon tissue,14gsm and size is 1m x 5m . Free from adhesive, binders, sizes and pH neutral. Nylon Gossamer is used by textile and painting restorers and conservators at museums around the world.   It is used by picture restorers for repairing tears and to support weakened tack holes on the tacking margin of a painting.

Archival Survival

Regular price $84.65 (ex GST) (ex GST)

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Product Description:

Nylon Gossamer is an ultra-fine transparent nylon tissue,14gsm and size is 1m x 5m . Free from adhesive, binders, sizes and pH neutral. Nylon Gossamer is used by textile and painting restorers and conservators at museums around the world.   It is used by picture restorers for repairing tears and to support weakened tack holes on the tacking margin of a painting.

Product Category: Picreator

Picreator Enterprises produces a range of cleaning and preservation products that include the world-renowned RENAISSANCE WAX which was developed in the laboratories of the British Museum and is specified and used to preserve all types of objects in the museum and historic collection.

Picreator is often consulted by architects and other specifying authorities who wish to use its products in the cleaning and maintenance of both interior and exterior surfaces.