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Museum Vacuum Cleaners

The Eqptonervac is a compact & lightweight vacuum cleaner safe for use on delicate items. Eqptonervac has variable suction control and comes with hose, rubber tool & filter container and contains mini adaptor kit & other accessories. The Minivac is battery powered hand held vacuum, with gentle suction, useful for cleaning up keyboards and small items.

New model comes complete in...

Regular price $465.50 (ex GST)
Sold Out

Dust collector to suit EQPTONERVAC

Regular price $54.95 (ex GST)

Mini-Vac with 2 brush attachments. Batteries included

Regular price $29.50 (ex GST)

Pack of 10 HEPA vacuum bags to suit previous red Museum Vac. Bags are not...

Regular price $68.40 (ex GST)

Mini adapter kit for Museum Vac. Flexible extension hose with various adapters to allow access...

Regular price $36.95 (ex GST)
Round horse hair brush head to suit Museum Vac
Regular price $19.95 (ex GST)
Extension stick and floor brush attachment to suit Museum Vac
Regular price $99.95 (ex GST)