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Prosorb Humidity Stabiliser

Passive climatisation between 30% and 60% RH

PRO SORB is the proven silica gel for stabilizing the relative humidity (RH) in museum showcases. PRO SORB can absorb and release a exceptional large amount of water vapor between 30% and 60% RH. The humidity range for works of art made from organic materials is kept as constant as possible with PRO SORB and humidity fluctuations are buffered. PRO SORB is delivered pre-conditioned to the desired humidity value.

ProSorb 50%RH full cassette

Regular price $123.40 (ex GST)

ProSorb 60%RH full cassette

Regular price $123.40 (ex GST)

ProSorb 40%RH half cassette

Regular price $75.35 (ex GST)

ProSorb 40%RH full cassette

Regular price $123.40 (ex GST)

ProSorb 50%RH half cassette

Regular price $75.35 (ex GST)