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Conservation Materials General

Blue wool scales.These cards are used to understand the intensity of light in a location, and provide an physical example of the worst case scenario of how an art object placed in this location could fade over a period of time.  Used as light fastness standards, to monitor the net exposure to light of art objects on display, and to alert conservators to rotate an exhibit or to reduce the intensity of illumination.

Archival Survival

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Product Description:Blue wool scales.These cards are used to understand the intensity of light in a location, and provide an physical example of the worst case scenario of how an art object placed in this location could fade over a period of time.  Used as light fastness standards, to monitor the net exposure to light of art objects on display, and to alert conservators to rotate an exhibit or to reduce the intensity of illumination. Product Category: Conservation Materials General
Various products including clear protectors coatings, acid detection kits for films, and carbon cloth for absorption of pollutants.